sexta-feira, 11 de julho de 2008

olhos fechados

conor oberst, vem fazendo questão de salientar por aí que "conor oberst and the mystic valley band", a banda com que inicia turnê aqui em são paulo no próximo dia 16, não é o bright eyes.
confesso que fiquei um pouco decepcionado ao ler isso pois me parecia um sonho ver bright eyes em são paulo. mas não temam! fui até o site do moço, onde já tem algumas músicas do disco da mystic valley {que deve sair dia 5 de agosto} e lhes digo... é igual a bright eyes, talvez em um dia de sol, mas ainda bright eyes! portanto, não deixe de ir.

além disso, veja você, descobri que a tour passa dia 20 de julho por porto alegre, no santander cultural!

abaixo, um vídeo que está rolando pelo you tube, de ensaios, gravações, alpinismo e sobrenatural.

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

I think I actually like it better. Please don't throw anything at me!

pedro disse...

how could i??!

pedro disse...

by the way... i thought it would be nice to post a "closer to the reality" translation of this post once i tryied to read googles version and it seems a bunch of loose words picked by a monkey in front of a refrigerator. so...

"eyes shut

conor oberst has been spreading the word around that "conor oberst and the mystic valley band", the band with kicks off the world tour in são paulo next 16th of july is NOT BRIGHT EYES.
i have to confess that i felt a bit disappointed by reading it because it seemed like a dream to see bright eyes in são paulo. but fear not!! i went to their site, where there are a couple of songs by the mystic valley album available {which is expected to come out on august 5th} and i tell you... it is just like bright eyes! so, don't miss it!!

and more... i also found out that the tour will pass on july 20th by porto alegre {my hometown!} at santander cultural!

check out this video that i found on youtube with rehearsals, recordings, alpinism and supernatural sightings."

it's still a bit weird for sure but i least i form a sentence better than google... yeah, right!

Anônimo disse...


I prefer google translations because I like to know you're thinking about that awesome "video that you're rolling the tube."

Also, hope the show was awesome! The fearsome foursome lives!