segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2008

a note for the fearsome foursome

i notice that a bunch of people from non portuguese speaking countries end up somehow falling here at the plastic cookies. i take it as an opportune accident, but i like to amuse myself thinking that some of you actually enjoy this and eventually come back for more!
some of those who can't get a single word out of what's written on the previous 128 entries bellow are my very good friends from chicago, who confessed me that they're wasting their summer hours away trying to translate this in the hopes of getting any sense out of it.
on their account, i decided to make it easy for the international community at least this time around {not including, of course, all the good people from portugal and the cabo verde island, who can come here anytime and understand almost 60% of it flawlessly}.
i also take the opportunity to enrich this unlikely post by linking you all to the very cool blog that one of those guys {from chicago, not cabo verde} sent me. this place has a bunch of sessions from an insane amount of bands. most of them i never heard of, so it's really worth a visit. among hundreds of sessions, you can find the likes of the walkmen, a place to bury strangers, david bazan, mates of state, and if you look hard enough, even some early material from the johnson dispenser. get to it!

far out, dudes!

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Why does the letter "c" have these funny squiggles sometimes?

Inquiring minds want to know

the burrito eaters, inc.